Sunday, February 20, 2005

Progress Continues

I can't wait until summertime, with its abundant sunshine, so I can take pictures more often of my WIPS. Work continues on Round Trip, I am right now making the cuff on the first sleeve.

I took this photo yesterday evening before I started working on it again.

The sweater has 3/4 length sleeves, which I didn't really notice in the photo, I thought she just had the sleeves pushed up. I toyed with the idea of making the sleeves longer, but decided that would a. just look weird, and b. I would be always pushing the sleeves up anyway, which would make them bunch up unattractively at my elbows. I really enjoy working on this sweater, and appreciate the fact that when I finish the second sleeve, all I will have to do is weave in the ends and block!

1 comment:

Pioggia said...

That's a very unusual construction for a sweater, but I like the results a lot. I'll be waiting for the pictures when you get to finish it.